Saturday, January 12, 2008

Update 4: My Grandmother

Update 1/12/08:
Today we were told that my grandmother has developed MSRA. Please continue your prayers.

Update 1/10/08:
Tonight, my Grandmother was transferred to her own room. She is recovering slowly from surgery. Please continue to pray for my family. Thanks to all of you for your emails and prayers.

Update 1/7/08:
Grandma is still in ICU. Everyone keeps asking how she is doing? Honestly, It's hard to say. She's alert but sleeping alot. My grandmother is a fighter. Please continue your prayers. That's all I have.

UPDATE 1/5/08:

My grandmother made it through a scary 2 hour emergency surgery yesterday. She is in critical condition and is resting comfortably at a local hospital.

Please continue all the prayers.

Hello Everyone:

I wanted to update all of you on the condition of my grandmother. She was admitted into a local hospital on New Year's Eve. Many of you already know that she has been struggling with severe pain in the lower part of her back.

After many tests, today my Grandmother's family doctor diagnosed her with multiple Myeloma.

Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells. At this point we do not know the "stage", of the disease. Once the Bone Marrow biopsy comes back within a few weeks we should know more.

For more info about this form of cancer I found this link which was useful:

With that said, I will not be posting much of anything. Once Grandmother is released from the hostpital and we know what wil be next I'll begin posting once more. I will be posting updates on my Grandmother via this blog for my family to read across the United States.

As you can imagine, this is a tough time for my family. We are all so close. If one thing happens to one of our members it happens to all of us. Please pray for Grandma Ortiz and her family.
